The heavens above. Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/53594/blue-clouds-day-fluffy-53594.jpeg
Though we see it night and day, have we reflected on the sky and its vastness? Its height? And its many alternating colours displayed throughout the day?
The sky has been spread above us to cover everything there is on earth, acting as a canopy, a roof over our heads. This roof shelters us from harm. One such example is the ozone layer. Without the ozone layer in the sky, we would be exposed to greater dangers from the Sun's ultraviolet light such as increases in sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts and damage to plants, to name a few. The sky exists with purpose and if it weren't for its existence, what would've become of us?
I'd like to consider another. A reflection within a reflection: have you seen the birds flying, gliding, soaring in the sky? The only animal to navigate with accuracy whilst in mid-air is the bird. It knows the sky better than us and so can give it just appreciation. If only us humans can communicate with the bird and ask of it to do just that we would for sure come to know the value of this entity: the sky.
Birds in the sky. Source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/f9uEsS3jPO0/maxresdefault.jpg |
I find it extraordinary how the sky is so far away from the earth, and wonder with awe: how come it doesn't come crashing down? Does gravity not apply to it? And, also: how does it stay up there when there are no pillars to support it?
These questions may seem to you trivial (if you are well-versed in physics or astronomy), but how many meteors have penetrated the sky? How many times and to what degree have the Sun's rays pierced it? How much damage has been done to it since time began? How can it be static and stationary but still moving throughout the course of the day? How is the sky strong enough to hold clouds heavy with rain?
Although science may have the answer to some of these questions, perhaps some will remain unanswered. And I think it appropriate to now refer to the words of the Creator of the sky, as He would know best about His creation. I invite you to read the following:
"Who hath appointed the earth a resting-place for you, and the sky a canopy..."
Surah Baqarah, verse 22 (Note: Pickthall translation)
"Have they not then observed the sky above them, how We have constructed it and beautified it, and how there are no rifts therein?"
Surah Qaf, verse 6 (translation as above)
"He hath created the heavens without supports that ye can see"
Surah Luqman, verse 10 (translation as above)
"and He holdeth back the heaven from falling on the earth unless by His leave"
Surah Hajj, verse 65 (translation as above)